Whether you are new to business ownership or you have been in an industry for years, franchising is a smart choice. Joining a proven franchise system increases your chances for success rather than going at it alone. Franchising allows you to invest in business ownership while at the same time leveraging the resources of a larger company. Here is a look at four primary advantages of franchising:
Power of the Brand: A nationally recognized brand comes with a built-in loyal customer base, a clear competitive advantage over independent businesses in the same industry. Large scale national marketing campaigns create a greater cumulative impact, which in turn benefits franchisees on a local level. Being part of a brand also comes with increased purchasing power. Bulk rates save you money on supplies and equipment, thus benefiting your bottom line.
Systems and Processes: When you buy a franchise, you are buying their systems and processes. The franchisor has taken the time to develop, test and optimize a business model. Using the brand’s formula for success, all you have to do is follow it. Your guesswork is eliminated, helping you avoid many of the common mistakes new business owners typically make. You have access to aggregated data, best practices and even proprietary systems to help you run your business with a level of effectiveness and efficiency only available to a large company.
Training and Support: Having comprehensive and ongoing training and support from a franchisor accelerates the path to success. A shortened learning curves leads to a quicker return on investment. With a team of experts dedicated to helping you be successful you can reach your business goals faster. Being in business for yourself does not mean you have to be in business by yourself. Assistance and advice are never more than a phone call away when you are a franchisee.
Power of the network: When you join a brand, you join a network of franchisees. Having like-minded and supportive peers who are in the same “boat”” as you are an invaluable resource. They can be a sounding board to bounce ideas off of and they can offer advice as someone who has been in your situation. Competitive camaraderie is also a good source of motivation to take your business to the next level. Celebrating the success of others in the network helps set the bar higher and allows you see what is possible. As the old adage goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” When one franchisee succeeds it benefits the entire network.
With its many advantages, franchising can help the discerning entrepreneur reach their business goals. If you are considering franchising, remember not all franchises are created equal. Compare each business opportunity on how well they execute these four areas, as they will be building blocks for your success as a franchisee.